Gaza Kids Missing Out on Education

Education is a vital tool needed to become successful in life. It’s a necessary step to take in order to become the person one wants to be. However, what happens when your home is in constant threat to being destroyed and it becomes nearly impossible to get to school because your town is a war zone? This is exactly what students in Gaza have to deal with nearly every single school day, and it is severely affecting their present and future.

The majority of students grew up in poor households. Parents of school children often have to drop out of school to support their families. However, they can only afford so much and often don’t have enough money to build a sturdy home.

Even the conditions of the schools are below average. Schools and nurseries have been damaged due to warfare. While school officials have done their best to fix damages and repaint the schools, this doesn’t change the traumatizing memories the children have of the horrors they have to face inside and out of school. Schools are used as shelters in serious times, and sometimes the war enters the classroom.

All of this violence is affecting academic performance across the board. Some kids can’t concentrate, while others can’t stay awake in class because of horrific nightmares.

It would be a logical idea to send these kids to different schools outside of the warfare. Unfortunately, strict border patrol pretty much prevents anybody from crossing the borders to better nations such as Israel or Egypt. So, schoolchildren have no choice but to deal with their surroundings and try to focus on a better future outside of the warpath.

Frankly, I don’t understand why children aren’t allowed to cross borders to obtain a better life. I could understand putting a blockade up to prevent war activity from leaking into other states. However, can’t they make an exception for those too young to cause any harm? If these kids had the opportunity to go to a good school, whether it be a public, private, or boarding school, they could change their conflicting nation when they grow up. Shouldn’t everybody have the opportunity to make their home area a better place when they have a chance to change things? I can’t logically comprehend it. It’s a pity to let possibly great talent go to waste.


~ by jessicaobscura on October 14, 2009.

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